Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Glee Season 2 Episode 6: Never Been Kissed

This is an episode requires a pre-disposition towards homosexuals in order to appreciate an episode in which more than half the time was spent on developing a love life for Kurt.

It. Was. Hell.

I am not homophobic. I firmly believe that a person's sexual orientation is entirely a matter of his own personal preference. People around them have absolutely zero rights to pass judgments on some person based on his sexuality alone. Who he likes and do is his and his business alone. That does not mean that I would feel comfortable witnessing homosexual acts like 2 guys kissing or hugging.

I do not know for sure how I would react around homosexuals in real life because I do not have any friends who homosexuals. But judging by the way i reacted to this episode, I would guess, not too at ease.

Perhaps American primetime shows have dealt with the boy-on-boy thing many times in the past. Notably, Gossip Girls, Ugly Betty. I daresay I had the fortune to quit these shows before I managed to witness any scenes. But Glee. How could you do this to me? I am an utmost loyal fan, catching episode the moment they are available like clockwork. And Kurt? A character that has been with us since day 1 and has brought us over such emotional milestones with his family affairs?

There are so many things wrong with this episode today that I have not the patience to state them in prose.

1. Blaine.
Cute guy except for the whole gay thing. Grabbing Kurt's hand and dragging him through the school's halls the moment they met? Really? How about some realism about respecting individual private spaces of strangers here, Ryan Murphy?
BULLSHIT RATING: NA (I do not know for sure whether there's an automatic gay-dar in gays? That led the two gay people to behave so unusually?)

2. Imagining Coach Beiste's in weird poses and outfits while characters are in compromising positions to cool off.
Then, get this, they moan their names 'Beiste', much to the confusion and outrage of their respective partners (and leading to some truly illogical consequences: would you go confront Coach Beiste to stay away from your girlfriend? Would you tell your cheerleading coach about your make out session with your boyfriend? Teacher-student distinction, hello?!). This show is getting inane. RIDICULOUS.

3. Puck's bland busking performance.
It would have been an 'okay' performance had he not been acting like a school bully almost threatening people to make the contributions as he walked around. His actions totally spoiled the scene.

4. And now we are at the crown jewel of tonight's truly horrible episode from my perspective. The angry gay kiss name-unknown footballer bully forced on Kurt. It was so sudden that I did not manage to skip that part unlike the weird Beiste-Schuester kiss later on. Gay kisses are bad enough. But FORCED GAY KISS??? JEEZ?! Some might think it is an irrational response for a self-proclaimed open-minded person. But I would say again, there are some things that I can watch, and there are some things that I just cannot stomach.
BULLSHIT RATING: 0/10 (I would completely believe a similar storyline featuring a guy and a girl, so based on story itself, there is no bullshit)

5. Beiste - Schuester kiss.
Loss of words. I anticipated this when they were sitting down to talk, and felt this is a terribly uncomfortable turn of events, so I managed to skip it even at the part leading up to the damned part.

By this time, I have lost most confidence for this episode, and perhaps in this series in general. Ryan Murphy's fascination with the Kurt character does not bode well for my interest in this show. I have stuck with this show for its exemplary music performance and comedic elements in the past, but the quality have been so unstable that my confidence have wavered in this series.

This episode was particularly drama-heavy. There is even a lack of good musical performances. The Girl V Boy Mashup faceoff was SOOO last year. Only that its the girls doing the leather thing this year. It was okay, not exceptional as other Glee performances have been.

The Warblers are extremely talented, as seen from this episode. Glee had better buck up if they hope to make it through preliminaries this year.

A few days ago, I read this article on about 12 steps to a better glee. I felt that they made an exceptionally good point about episodes not having a plot stringing the season together. I quote:
"Season 2 has had one identity crisis after another. Sure, the easy out is to call it a "musical comedy," but this isn't Broadway. This is TV asking us to come back every week. So aside from more serialization, the show needs a consistent voice. Otherwise, call yourself a sketch show already ..."

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