Today I wanna talk about the fantastic season 2 of the Game of Thrones. This is one of the best shows on TV these days. Besides the keen dialogue, perhaps the most attractive feature of the show is its cast of unique, flawed, vivid, unconventional characters. None of the characters has once behaved the way I expected him to, there's just about surprises around every turn.
This season, this show is complimented by its bevy of excellent actors (with the exception of the random supporting actor coming out for 5 minutes, such as the Lannister cousin today), imaginative costumes, detailed set designs, well-picked location settings.
Game of Thrones is by far, in my opinion, the best cable show I have seen. It mixes a whole range of themes: honor, politics, sex, violence. In short, it is a very, very intelligent show. Of course, a big portion of the credit has to go out to the original book author - George R.R. Martin. The first book, Game of Thrones didn't break the traditional fantasy mold much. But book 2 or season 2 is showing me just how smart this series is.
Unfortunately, as HBO Presents George RR Martin's freaky story in all its glory, sometimes the show just takes it even further than what my experienced mind can accept (True Blood and Spartacus veteran here). Season 2's episode 4 has just 2 such scenes - They are SO CREEPY/WEIRD/:SSSS
Its better if I just showed you.
Joffrey, Joffrey, Joffrey: this has got to be the creepiest teenager on TV EVER. At merely 15 years of age, he commands his knight to publicly humiliate and beat up his fiancee to be (another 15 year old girl), and here he forces two prostitutes (well-intended gifts from his uncle meant to help him becomes "less (mentally) clogged" ie stupid/weird/evil/twisted) to beat each other up.
He is an idiot psychopath given all the power. He gets my vote for the most psychotic fictional sociopath ever created. Here's some worthy competition, Hannibal.
That said, I sincerely wonder where Jack Gleeson comes up with the "emotional memory" to portray such a twisted character in a believable fashion.
Scene 2
When the woman removed her robe at first, you see a swollen belly, she lies down on the floor, spread eagled and starts yelling as if in labour. You think, she's pregnant and ready to give birth already? (she had sex with one of the king's 2 episodes back, promising to give him a son) Okay, maybe her magic sped up her pregnancy.
Then the camera shifts to her belly (first picture), and you see there's something seriously wrong about her stomach: its pulsating. Expanding, contracting, denting... Then the camera moves further down, and you see shit coming out from between her legs. Literally black smoke stuff, which then evolves into claws around her legs: some silently screaming, skull like, black monster.
Hmm, what's wrong with this picture?
I guess this is the point where people start dying.
Yep, weird shit indeed.
I challenge anyone to find me anything weirder than this.