Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Way of Kings

Reading the Way of Kings, Stormlight Archive No1, requires patience. Lots, and lots of patience.

In spite of the fact that I read only fiction and mostly fantasy, I have never read an epic fantasy series before. Trilogies, standalone novels, yes. But not longwinded epic fantasies. Like most things that I do, I do them, but I am not the best, the most knowledgeable, the extraodinaire at the stuff that I do.

I read fantasy, but I have never read what true fantasy classics like LOTR or The Wheel of Time.

The Way of Kings is my first ever epic fantasy book. As with all other Brandon Sanderson's works, his narrative never fails to captivate me. Each chapter is like a scene of an on-going Korean or Hong Kong drama serial, its like a flow, a wave in the sea or lake that is the fantasy universe, rather than specific events leading from introduction to conflict to resolution.

I can see the appeal in such books, its like the book version of draggy Korean serials. Despite going at it for 2 full days now, all I have are questions waiting to be answered. Unlike other Sanderson books I have read, you can't just turn to the end to get your answers.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy it very much.

When i have got nothing to do, its a very good relaxant. The author draws you into the universe that he has created thin air, so well developed and described. He certainly knows what he is doing by revealing a little, just enough, to get the reader hooked to the next chapter.

I havn't dared to see the scroll bar on the e-book programme for fear of knowing just how LITTLE of the book i have completed despite my intensive efforts.

I am guessing around half -___-